Using Recap as an Integration Activity
In this clip, Michèle Palmieri-Colatriano, ESL teacher at La Dauversière primary school (CSPI), explains how and why she uses Recap as an integration activity at the end of a LES.
Michèle uses the texts written by the MEES Ask an Expert – Bedbugs for Intensive ESL and adapts them into an LES. Students become experts on bedbugs to answer specific questions in the form of a letter, as well as to think critically about scientific information. At the end, they record their answers in the app called Recap. This document is used to help formulate the right question in this specific activity.
Recap is an easy video response multiplatform tool that can be used to allow students to answer reflection questions about:
- What they learned.
- What they liked.
- What strategies they used in the learning sequence.
- What questions still remain.
- How they feel about the task.
- How will they proceed.
Demonstrating Understanding with Padlet
In this clip, Roxanne Paquette, an Intensive ESL teacher from Louis-de-Gonzague elementary school (CSDM), explains how she integrates Padlet as an activity to verify student understanding after reading texts.
Padlet is an online multiplatform tool that creates a virtual wall where teachers and students can collaborate and reflect on a variety of topics. They can also share videos, links, images and sounds. It’s even possible to record a comment directly in a post and draw something.
Do you want to know how you can use it in class? You can watch this quick tutorial explaining how to activate students’ prior knowledge with the Entry Ticket activity using Padlet. Note that it can be used for different pedagogical intentions but setting up the activity remains the same.
Writing and Producing a Wacky News Report
In this clip, Nadia Laurendeau explains to her students how to write and produce their text (a wacky news report) using the Tellagami app.
Because Tellagami is no longer supported with the new version of iOS (on iPads), we are proposing other tools in the LES to create the news report such as Vokiand My Talking Avatar (for tablets and computers) .
In collaboration with Sandra Laine, consultant, Service national du RÉCIT, domaine des langues
Create an Online Book About Christmas Using Book Creator
In this clip, Marthe Poulin, a secondary ESL teacher at des Deux-Rives school (CSBE), explains how she used the topic of Christmas to help students reflect, share and communicate their opinions about on how society influences their lives. Students had to write down their reflection on each subject in order to create an online book using Book Creator.
Description of the project for students
At your age, one might say you have become an expert concerning anything and everything related to Christmas. The intention of the activities we will be doing during the month of December is to help you reflect on how this holiday influences and affects you.
Together, we will discover how commercialism has influenced your life and the environment. We will bring to light the possible conflicts these influences have on your personal values as you continue to forge your own identity.

Monsters at School Project
A collaboration between elementary and secondary students.
Elementary students drew and described a monster.
Secondary students transformed their monster into a puppet monster and wrote a story about a situation that could happen in high school. This story was put into an online book in Book Creator with actions that the code in the Micro:bit represented.
Secondary students visited the elementary students and presented the puppet monsters with the Micro:bit. It was a great way to introduce the topic of going to high school.
What an experience for all these students!
Once Upon a Time - Writing and Producing an Animated Story
This project was created by Joey Simard-Bolduc from the CSS de Portneuf.
Through the exploration of the characteristics of a fairy tales, students learn the steps of a narrative story: setup, conflict, challenges, climax and resolution.
Students write a narrative story and animate it with the Toontastic 3D app (Android), Scratch, Scratch Jr or other animation tools.
(optional) Students can also use Ozobots to demonstrate their understanding by planning a sequence of actions that represent the important events of a chosen story.
Use the Overview to view the sequence and the Presentation in class with students. Use the links in the 2 documents to access student documents.
Adapt all the documents to your needs.
*Note: Toontastic was used in the original project but it is not available in the Apple App Store anymore. We added suggestions in order to use the sequence with other digital tools.
Creating an Interactive Guide / Poster Using Media Tools
This Learning and Evaluation Situation was created by Anne-Marie Morin from the CSBE in 2018-2019.
Anne-Marie Morin used the theme of ninjas to have students reflect upon behaviours and attitudes to adopt in their everyday life so they can communicate effectively and apply them at school, at home, or in the daily activities. As a final task, students have to write a text and produce a poster explaining how to be a good ninja.
In this LES called "A Guide to Being a Good Ninja", you will find:
Activity sheet with general information about the project
Teacher Guide Presentation (Google Slide)
Stations with activities from the LES (can be used as stations or as sequential activities)
Create a promotional clip about a resort using Adobe Spark Video
In this clip, Caroline Saint-Louis, a secondary ESL teacher from Massey-Vanier high school (CSVDC), explains how she used Adobe Spark Video to have her students create a promotional video of a resort.
The Resort Project
With a partner, students will decide on a resort that they you would want to visit. They will be using the Adobe Spark Video application in order to create a video that will promote a resort and make it irresistible to visit!
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